Welcome! You Are Loved, Significant & Needed! 

Blue Bible Study (BBS) is provided for Sworn Law Enforcement Officers, their family members, as well as the civilian employees of the Bradenton Police Department.

Mission: To provide opportunity to cultivate your relationship with God.

Purpose: To offer a place for encouragement, short video teachings with Law Enforcement in mind, and receive prayer when needed. For confidential prayer needs you may email Pastor Don below or call/text him at 941-773-1556


Participation is on a volunteer basis and is open to everyone.

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Section Title

Section Title

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area.

Section Title

Type the content for this section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section. Once you click into this section, you will see the filler text disappear, and you can begin typing your real content. We’ve simply put in filler text in this area.