Greetings Beloved Son’s & Daughters of God,
I am writing you to let you know of our Mortgage Elimination Campaign. In 2018 we secured a mortgage loan for our church property for $700,000. The loan is for 10 years, but thankfully, with a 20-year payment amount of $4,997.99 per month. The loan matures in 2028, which at that time, we would either need to have it paid off or take out another loan. It is important to communicate that $2,300 of our monthly payment is interest. After much prayer and consideration, I feel we are to have this paid off by 2026 or sooner. The savings on interest alone is significant, plus the amount we are paying each month would be used in other needed areas of the ministry. As of June 2024, the balance is $570,000, down from $596,000. Thank you for giving!
I am asking you to please pray, and to join us in our Mortgage Elimination Campaign by giving above your regular tithe with a one-time gift, a monthly offering, or both, as you feel led. All funds from this campaign will be applied to the principle of the loan.
To accurately track your donation for this, please use one of these two methods:
1) Make out your checks to Kingdom Life Christian Church. Please include the word “Mortgage” on the memo line. You may give in our Sunday offering, or preferably mail them to Kingdom Life Christian Church, PO Box 717 Ellenton, Fl. 34222.
2) Use the this link, Here you will see the word “Tithe.” Next, click on the down arrow and choose “Mortgage Elimination.” You may also choose One Time or Recurring Gift. This giving platform allows you to use your credit/debit card, ACH, PayPal, and Google Pay.
I have been dreaming with God for some time of the joyful service we will have together when we burn our mortgage in service. I will be updating you with the latest balance each month.
Thank you for prayerfully considering this important endeavor.
For Jesus our King & The Advancement
Of His Kingdom,
Don Sturiano